Thank you to all the CCD students and their families who made donations to those in need through their Lenten Service projects. The parish children were able to fill the food pantry with canned goods, deliver Easter baskets and hygiene kits to Hope House in addition collecting approximately $600.00 from the “baby bottle’ proceeds to benefit Birth Haven. Lastly, our 10
th graders collected monies to send to the Diocese for Bishop Serratelli’s “poorest parish” fund.
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Bob Pfeiffer’s 7
th grade class who collected their spare change since September and was able to make a donation to Eva’s Kitchen in the amount of $192.00.
NEW- Religious Education Drop Box Please look for our new “drop box” the week of April 25
th, which will be located at the entrance by the parish office, across from the rectory. The box will be used to retrieve/drop off CCD materials such as registration forms, textbooks, etc.