# 1. Turn it off. Ash Wednesday signals a major change in how you'll live the next 40 days. Signal that change by skipping TV all day. Use your extra time to make God proud of You today like a proud Father should feel toward One's son or daughter.
# 2. Feed your soul. Many people today are overworked and under nurtured. Schedule weekly dates to do something fulfilling. Browse the mall and watch the people. Do not buy anything! Listen to a favorite recording artist or listen to the sights and sounds of nature. Visit the Flint Art Museum and leave some random bottles of water on a doorstep.
# 3. Eat Light. Cut back on the size of your meals today (and each Friday during Lent.) Recognize your hunger as an expression of God-hunger. Give the money saved on food to charities that feed hungry people.
#. 4. Be a Valentine like Simon the Cyrenean. Simon helped carry Jesus' cross. Today, offer to help a neighbor, family member, or coworker with a tough chore. The help can be physical, emotional or spiritual.
#. 5. Monday morning reflections. AfterSunday worship share with a friend or family the gospel message. Walter Ruether was trained in this practice as a child and later in life it gave him strength and wisdom to stand up against injustice.
#. 6. Avoid gossip. Avoid situations that tempt you to talk negatively about others. When talking about others, say nice things or nothing alt all.
#.7. Send a message. Write a letter to someone from whom you're estranged, seeking to reestablish your friendship. If you need to, apologize and ask forgiveness. If appropriate, offer your own forgiveness.
#. 8. Drop it. Give up one bad habit for a day. Fill the bad with something good.
#. 9. Share a meal. Make a meal and bring it to a shut-in neighbor or friend. Or invite someone to a meal at your home.
#. 10. Rise and pray. Get up a half-hour early today and spend the time in prayer. You can meditate, write in a journal, say memorized prayers. or read the Bible.
#. 11. Be complimentary. Thank an unsung hero for their dedication and love.
#. 12. Clear away clutter. Outward clutter can reflect inner clutter.
#. 13. Drop your worries. Remember God is in control.
#. 14. Donate good clothes you no longer wear to a charity or good will agency.
#. 15. Memorize and mediate on the shortest verse in the Bible: "Jesus wept."
#.16. Forgo sweets for a day and fill your soul with sweet grace from God.
#.17 Meditate on one Bible verse like Romans 8:28
#. 18. Send a call to change to a paper or public official on moral issues.
#.19. Stretch your spirit. Read a Psalm like 121 and reflect on it.
#.20. Say your bedtime prayers including thanking God for your daily blessings/bread.
#. 21. Recommit. Whatever you do put Christ in the midst of it all day.
#22. Be a secret Samaritan. Do a good deed no one will know about.
#.23. Write a psalm or love song of praise to God for His grace and blessings to you!
#. 24. Listen. To the birds sing in the dawn or dusk praise God for spring!
#. 25 Take a long walk and listen to what God is saying to you!
#. 26. Travel lighter. Today, and for the rest of Lent, give away one possession every few days to someone who can use it more than you. Make more room in your life for God.
#. 27. Have a good laugh. Rent a funny movie or call a friend who always makes you laugh.
#.28. Righting Wrongs. See to forgive others for your wrongs as God does for you.
#29. Read Psalm 121 with the eyes of Jesus as He prepares to enter Jerusalem.
#. 30. Be Humble. Pray for someone you envy and ask god to help you see your own blessings.
#.31. Take it Slow. Take a slower pave in all that you do today, live each moment fully.
#.32. Repent. Examine your conscience and express sorrow over wrongdoings.
#.33. Visit the sick. In a hospital or a neighbor in need of a friendship or hug.
# 34. Study the Scriptures. If nothing else read Romans 8:28.
#35. Put up a cross in your doorway. A Palm cross will be just fine this week.
#36. Remember the family saints you will meet in heaven through Christ Jesus.
#37. Remember the Cross and your cross is not the end of the story.